On the Education of Women

More than 90 percent of women in Sudan are illiterate.
Women for Women International video

excerpts from the United Nation's "Overall Status of women in Africa:" 
  • "There is a lack of genuine political will to ensure that girls are given equal access to education in Africa." 
  • "More than two-thirds of Africa's illiterates are women." 
  • "Women are regarded as inferior to men and are not expected aspire as high as men, especially in what are considered as 'male' fields (engineering, computing, architecture, medicine, etc.)"
  • It is largely assumed that educating women would make them too independent; in other words, they would not do what they are expected to do - look after the house, bring up children, and cater to their husband's needs." 
  • "... prefer to invest their limited resources in the education of boys ... than for girls who would eventually marry and abandon their professions anyway." 
  • "Drop out rates in the primary grades are higher for girls than for boys in many African countries." 
"Overall status of women in Africa." United Nations University. http://www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/uu37we/uu37we0t.htm