There are many problems - many quite simple - of the why women are not deemed to be sufficient peace keepers.
- Women are seen as a cause of war.
- Women hardly play any role in public matters. The male-dominated community put women in Darfur at a disadvantage as far as peacemaking is concerned.
- The example of Awut Deng Acuil: a prominent figure in Sudan for the action of peace in Darfur, she states that resolution activities being implemented by women in Southern Sudan and confirmed a desire by women to be involved in peacekeeping activities. “They would like a have a voice, a place where they can participate and make meaningful contributions and make meaningful contributions toward the building of the nation,” she said.
- "Training troops on gender issues before and during their field deployment will strengthen their ability to prevent the atrocities committed against women, violence against women can only be tackled from gender perspective"- Carmen Moreno, Director of the UN International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (UN-INSTRAW)
- The UN has a goal of achieving equal representation for women across all the UN agencies (UN Security Council Resolution 1325 October 31st, 2000)